Hey, what's up, Yesterday, I went to the Purgatory Creek Park with a friend. The park is located off Bishop rd. in San Marcos. My friend and I hiked the trail for about an hour. We came to this really open spot so we decided to chill and enjoy the scenery with some cigars. It was really refreshing to get outdoors and to enjoy the nice day. There were some badass mountain bikers out there as well. I saw some cool bugs and heard and smelled some really cool things. Here are some pictures and video from it.
LATER THAT DAY............................................................................
After the park, I went to this Qigong (chee-gong) class. The instructor explained that through channeling your energy correctly, you are able to defend yourself and utilize the energy to block hits and essentially build a barrier between you and whatever force might impact your body.
According to the brochure, Qigong "is a potent internal energy system that fully integrates the body, mind and energy through the careful application of physical practice, meditation and herbs". A 73 year-old lady busted a ceramic tile over her head, with ease. We did an exercise that consisted of patting our entire body to get the energy flowing through our body and an undeniable "buzz" came over me. My hands tingled. It was pretty cool.

Apparently, there are different levels to the training and Goldern Shield Qigong is the first one. It focuses on the lower dan-tien (energy center). After getting to the some of the higher levels, your hands are considered weapons.
It's nice to think that humans are capable of more than what we think. It's almost like it's time for us to evolve. Crazy.
Take it easy,